Home > Training > Application Administrator > Setting a New Appointment to Primary
There are two ways to manage faculty data in UC OATS; Faculty Data Import and manually managing faculty data. This article will focus on how to manually set a new appointment as primary. Please note, only one appointment can be primary and the sum of the faculty member's appointment across departments cannot be greater than 1.0 (100%). Also, faculty members cannot have two appointments within the same department. For example, if a faculty member is also a dean for the department, you would change the faculty type to a dean appointment (240 in 025 Context or 240 HSCP Context 671).
To set a faculty's new appointment to primary,
Make this appt primary? |
Select "yes". Additional fields will appear. |
Routing Department |
Select the department that should review the faculty's prior approval forms; either the current primary department or new primary department. You can also have a form routed to both departments, but that will need to be done after you save these changes. |
Faculty Type |
Select the term type; Academic or Fiscal. An academic term faculty will have the Summer Hours module. Fiscal year faculty are not required to report summer hours. |
Policy |
The conflict of commitment policy governing this faculty member. Acceptable formats: 025, 671, 240.5 (Dean, General Campus), 240.1 (Dean, Health Sciences), 246.5 (Faculty Admin, General Campus), 246.1 (Faculty Admin, Health Sciences). |
Appointment % |
Since the faculty member has multiple appointments the parameter will have a value greater than 0 and less than 1.0 (100%). |
Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:34.35261-07