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Adding New Faculty

There are two ways to add new faculty to UC OATS; Faculty Data Import and manually adding a new faculty member. This article will focus on how to manually adding a new faculty member to UC OATS.

To manually add a new faculty member,

  1. Click on the "App Admin" button to open the Application Administrator workspace.Application Administrator workspace
  2. Make sure you are in the correct fiscal year. You can move forward and back through fiscal years by clicking the arrows.
  3. Select the "Departments" tab and locate the department / unit where that faculty member should reside. You can use the (a) "Department Hierarchy Tree Structure" button or (b) you can click on the department / unit title links until you get to the appropriate location. 
  4. Once you are in the appropriate department, click on the "Faculty" tab. The list of faculty within that unit will appear.faculty tab page
  5. Click on the "Add Faculty" button. 
  6. Enter the faculty member's name into the the "Search for Faculty" search bar. UC OATS will search the database for the faculty member. A list of possible matches may appear. If the faculty member does not exist, the option to add a new faculty member will appear. Click the "New Faculty" option.searching database for faculty member or adding a new faculty member
  7. Complete the new faculty form.new faculty form

    Faculty Form Description

    Routing Department 

    This field dictates the routing and approval workflow for the initial review stage for each form.

    Faculty Type

    Select the term type; Academic or Fiscal. An academic term faculty will have the Summer Hours module. Fiscal year faculty are not required to report summer hours.

    APM Policy

    The conflict of commitment policy governing this faculty member. Acceptable formats: 025, 671, 240.5 (Dean, General Campus), 240.1 (Dean, Health Sciences), 246.5 (Faculty Admin, General Campus), 246.1 (Faculty Admin, Health Sciences).

    Appointment %

    This is the percent appointment of this faculty member to the departmental unit referenced by dept_code in this record. If a faculty is only associated with one unit (department) and is working full-time then this value will be 1.0. If a faculty has multiple department/unit appointments, then this parameter will have a value greater than  0 and less than 1.0, and there will be multiple records in this data set for the same faculty member. However, the sum of percent appointments among department codes for the same faculty cannot be greater than 1.0.

    Faculty cannot multiple appointments within the same department.

    First Name  Enter the faculty's first name
    Last Name  Enter the faculty's last name

    University email address used by the faculty. Faculty emails are used for automated emails from UC OATS. This is limited to one email address per faculty member.

    UC Path ID  
    Campus ID

    A unique ID number that does not change over the lifetime of a faculty person’s association with a UC campus. This ID will serve as a unique identifier in UC OATS to identify the user and associate incoming data.

    Title Code Leave blank. This field is deprecated.
    Academic Title

    The academic title of the faculty member is used for display purposes only. This field will be visible to faculty. You may use the description from the HR system if no “pretty” label exists.  

    Organization Leave blank. This field is deprecated.
    Base Salary

    For faculty participating in a compensation plan governed by APM 671, a base salary must be provided in the format 100000. Commas will be removed and decimals will be rounded up to an integer. The earnings threshold for outside activity is scaled from this value. For 025 faculty, leave this value as empty. 

  8. Once the "Add New Faculty" form is complete, click the "Add Faculty" button. The faculty member will then be added to the unit.

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:18.993959-07