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Recall Category I form

This article provides instructions on how to recall a Category I form that has not yet been approved. You may need to recall a form to update details such as the description, your relationship with the entity, or the estimated hours for the activity. When you recall a Category I form, it is removed from its position in the approval workflow and returned to you. The status will change to "Not Submitted," allowing you to make edits. Once you resubmit the form, it will re-enter the approval workflow from the beginning.

  • If you have already submitted your annual certification for that fiscal year, recalling the Category I form will also return the Annual Certification form to you. After updating and resubmitting the Category I form, you will need to resubmit your annual certification as well.
  • If you need to change the category type, you'll need to delete the activity and then submit a new activity with the new category type(s) selected.

To recall a Category I form:

  1. Locate and click on the Category I form you would like to recall.
  2. Select the "Recall" button.
  3.  Enter the reason why you are recalling the form in the "Recall Note" field and then click on the "Submit Recall" button. Your recall note will be added to the activities notes.
  4. Select the recalled Category I form. The form status will be "Not Submitted". 
  5. Update the Category I form and then click "Request Approval".
  6. The Category I form has been resubmitted and is placed at the beginning of the approval workflow.

Last Modified: 2022-04-25 11:34:19.969164-07