Home > Training > General Campus Faculty (APM 025) > Recall Category I form
This article will show you how to recall a Category I form that has not yet been approved. You may need to recall a Category I form if you need to update the description, nature of your relationship to the entity, the estimated number of hours working on the activity, etc. When you recall a Category I form, you are removing the form from its place in the approval workflow and returning it to you. The status of the Category I form will change to "Not Submitted" and you will be able to edit the form. Once the Category I form is submitted it will be placed at the beginning of the approval workflow.
*** [New as of 1/27/23] If you have submitted your annual certification for that fiscal year, the annual certification form will also be returned to you. You will need to update the Category I form and submit it. Then you will need to resubmit your annual certification.
To recall a Category I form:
General Campus Faculty (APM 025)
Complete Category I form
Renew Category I form
Recall Category I form
Complete Student Involvement form
Recall & Add Students to form
Request to Exceed TH form
Form returned to you
Last Modified: 2022-04-25 11:34:19.969164-07