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Workspace Overview: Faculty Button

This article provides an overview of the Faculty section of the Reviewer workspace. The Faculty section is where you can view:

  • A list of faculty within a department/unit
  • A list of faculty who have exceeded or are close to exceeding their threshold
  • Faculty's workspace (time threshold, activities, prior approval forms, annual certification report PDF)
  • Manage faculty's email notifications
  • Change faculty's status in UC OATS to 'on leave'
  • View system emails that have been sent to faculty
  • View recent system changes made to faculty's account
  • Change faculty's status to 'separated' and trigger annual certification report
  • Override faculty's threshold

All Faculty

The 'All Faculty' tab displays all faculty within the selected department/unit.

all faculty tab for all faculty within the selected department/unit

  1. Faculty Filters - You can filter faculty by those with outside activities, not in good standing, on leave, and faculty who have separated. 
  2. Faculty Details - You can view faculty details such as the faculty's workspace, threshold, etc. To view these details click on the faculty member's name.

Faculty Details

The Faculty Details page shows the faculty member's workspace, system emails that have been sent, recent changes to the faculty's account and much more.

Faculty details page. Shows an APM 025 faculty members details such as time threshold, activity list and notification settings

  1. Actions
    • Manage Notifications - You have the ability to manage faculty member email notifications. Faculty cannot manage their own email notifications, so if they request to unsubscribe to a particular email you will need to do it for them. To unsubscribe the faculty member to an email type, deselect the check box.

      options for managing email notifications

    • Annual Certification - Once an annual certification report has been accepted you will be able to select the annual certification button to view details and a PDF of the signed annual certification form.  list of annual certifications and pdf download
  2. Tabs
    • Activities- Shows the faculty member's list of activities and prior approval forms. All options are read only except for the activity notes. You can add activity notes from this screen.activities tab that list of activities and prior approval forms for the faculty member
    • Emails - This section shows all system emails that have been sent to the faculty member. 

      emails tab that shows all system emails that have been sent to the faculty member

    • System Messages - Shows system alerts that have been generated. system messages tab that shows system alerts that have been generated
  3. Faculty Status / Fiscal Statusoptions for Faculty Status and Fiscal Status
    • Leave to engage in outside activity - Select his option when a faculty member is on leave to engage in an outside activity. When selected there will be an indicator beside the faculty member's name.
    • Override time threshold - Select this option to override the faculty member's threshold.
    • Include in 240-246 report - Select this option to include the faculty member in the 240-246 report to UCOP.
    • Separated - Select this option when a faculty member is separating from the university. When selected you will have the option to trigger the Annual Certification button for that faculty member. 
  4. Time Threshold - The time threshold bar displays the number of hours the faculty has reported engaging in outside activities and their time threshold.time threshold
    • Green Bar (first bar) - The green bar indicates the total number of hours reported within their threshold.
    • Gold Bar (second bar) - The gold bar indicates the total number of hours reported that exceeds their threshold.
  5. Activity Label Icon -  Hover over the activity label icon to view the activity description entered by the faculty member. time threshold
  6. Back to faculty list - Select this button to return to the faculty list.

Over Time Threshold 

When a faculty member exceeds their time threshold they will be placed in the 'Over Time TH' tab. 

Over Time Threshold tab that shows faculty members that exceed their time threshold

Over Earnings Threshold

When a Health Science faculty member exceeds their earnings threshold, they will be shown in the 'Over Earnings TH' tab.

Over Earnings Threshold tab that shows Health Science faculty members that exceed their earnings threshold

Approaching Threshold

When a faculty member is within 10% of reaching their time threshold they will be placed in the 'Approaching TH' tab.

Approaching Threshold tab that shows faculty members within 10% of reaching their time threshold

The faculty member will also receive a disclaimer letting them know they are close to exceeding their time threshold.

disclaimer when faculty member is close to exceeding their time threshold

Faculty Payments

This is where reviewers will document payments that have been made to the Health Sciences Compensation Plan. 

faculty payments tab that shows documented payments made to the Health Sciences Compensation Plan

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:19.361757-07