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Reviewer Workspace: Forms Button

This article provides an overview of the Forms section, where you can manage and review prior approval forms.

Forms Needs My Review

The Forms Needs My Review tab contains all prior approval forms requiring your review, organized by fiscal year. You may need to toggle between fiscal years to view all prior approval forms that are waiting for your review. Alternatively, you can access and review prior approval forms across all fiscal years directly from the Dashboard for a consolidated view.adding an activity note

  1. Fiscal Year - The forms are listed by fiscal year. You can toggle between fiscal years to view all forms that need to be reviewed.
  2. Activity List - List of activities waiting for your review.
  3. Activity Notes - You can view and add activity notes by selecting the notes icon. The notes field is a way for faculty, reviewers, and approvers to communicate about an activity. Notes are not private and may be read by faculty, reviewers, and approvers with access to the activity. When adding a note, you can choose to email the faculty a notification.
  4. Form/Queue - These are the forms awaiting your review. The current status of the prior approval form is listed on top of the form. To review the form, you would click on the form.

  5. Export Current Data - Click this button to download the data into a spreadsheet.

Forms In Process

The 'Forms In Process' tab shows all prior approval forms within your department/unit that have not yet received final approval/acknowledgment. In this section, you will see forms that are at different stages of the prior approval workflow.

Forms In Process tab

Forms Approved

The 'Forms Approved' tab shows all prior approval forms within your department/unit that have received final approval/acknowledgment. 

Forms Approved tab

Last Modified: 2022-02-03 14:12:29.67754-08