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Workspace Overview: Dashboard 

This article provides an overview of the Dashboard. When you log into UC OATS, the Dashboard will be your homepage. The Dashboard includes prior approval forms and annual certification reports across fiscal years, arranged by the number of days a form has been in your queue. The Dashboard also includes queue summaries and an annual certification status chart! 


The Dashboard has four sections: Forms in My Queue, Annual Certifications in My Queue, Summary, and Annual Certification pie chart report. The following will provide more information about each section.

UC OATS dashboard


Forms in My Queue & Annual Certifications in my Queue

list of forms in the queue

The forms and annual certification queues:

  • Display prior approval forms and annual certification reports from all fiscal years. You can review the forms directly from the Dashboard. To review a form, click on the form.
  • The queues are arranged by the number of days a form has been in your queue. The forms that have been in your queue the longest are at the top.
  • Use the 'View by Unit' filter to view forms and reports for specific departments. You have access to departments that have been assigned to you.


summary of the number of forms by fiscal year that still need review

The Summary section will show how many forms and annual certification reports are waiting for your review in each fiscal year. Select the form number to go to that specific fiscal year's queue. Use the filter to view a summary of specific departments.

Annual Certification Pie Chart Report

pie chart showing annual certification reports that have not been submitted, are in process, or have been accepted

The annual certification pie chart report displays how many annual certification reports have not been submitted, are in process, or have been accepted. The bottom right corner will show the total number of faculty within the departments you have access to. Use the filter to view the pie chart report for faculty within specific departments. 

Last Modified: 2022-02-03 15:51:06.704002-08