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Workspace Overview

This article provides an overview of the Auditor workspace. The Auditor role is typically assigned to individuals who need 'read-only' access to faculty outside professional activity data. The Auditor workspace includes:

  • Dashboard
  • Forms in Process
  • All Activities
  • Annual Certifications
  • All Faculty


The filters allow you to refine and customize the displayed data according to your preferences.
Top half of approver workspace

  • Search by Faculty - Search for faculty by name
  • Filter by Unit - View details for a specific unit
  • Filter by date - View details by date

Forms in Process

The 'Forms In Process' tab shows all prior approval forms within your assigned unit that have not yet received final approval/acknowledgment. In this section, you will see forms that are at different stages of the prior approval workflow. 

Top half of approver workspace
To view all prior approval forms that are currently in process: 

  1. Confirm you are in the correct fiscal year. You can toggle between fiscal years to view forms.
  2. You can filter the forms by type and the current state of the form.
  3. You have the option of viewing the form details by selecting the form or you can select the faculty's name to view the faculty details page. 
    • Form- displays the form details
    • Faculty details page- shows the faculty's workspace details

All Activities

The 'All Activities' tab shows all activities regardless of the status. 

The Forms In Process section of the Auditor website

Annual Certifications

The 'Annual Certifications' tab shows annual certification reports that have not been submitted, forms that are processing through the approval workflow, and annual certification forms that have received final approval/acceptance.

The All Activities section of the Auditor website


All Faculty

The 'All Faculty' page tab will show you the list of faculty within your unit. If you have access to more than one unit, use the filter to view different units. 

The All Activities section of the Auditor website


Faculty Details Page

Select a faculty member's name to view the Faculty Details page. The faculty details page displays the faculty's activity list, prior approval forms, thresholds, automated emails sent to faculty [Emails tab], and a list of system changes [System Messages tab]. The All Activities section of the Auditor website


Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:24.281615-07