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Faculty Details

This article provides an overview of the faculty details section of the workspace. The "All Faculty" tab displays all faculty within the selected unit.

UC OATS Faculty page. Shows list of faculty within the selected division

  1. Filters - There are two types of filters; faculty and system message filters.
    • System Filters - You can filter by faculty information, unit and date.
    • Faculty Filter
      • Faculty with Outside Activities - Filters out faculty who have reported outside professional activities
      • Not in Goodstanding - Filters out APM 671 faculty who have been marked as "Not in Good Standing"
      • Leave to engage in Outside Activity - Filters out faculty who have been marked as out on "Leave to Engage in Outside Activities"
      • Faculty Separated - Filters faculty who have been marked ask separated from the university.
  2. Faculty Details - To view the faculty details page, click on a faculty member's name.

Faculty Details

The "Faculty Details" page shows the faculty's time threshold, list of activities, etc. To view the faculty details page, click on a faculty member's name.

Faculty details page. Shows an APM 025 faculty members details such as time threshold, activity list and notification settings

  1. Time Threshold - displays the faculty's time threshold and the number of hours the faculty has reported engaging in outside professional activities.
  2. Activities - Shows the faculty members list of activities, forms, and reported effort.The emails tab showing an automated email that was sent to the faculty member
    Emails - Shows system emails that were sent to the faculty member.
    The emails tab showing an automated email that was sent to the faculty member

    System Messages - Shows system alerts that have been generated.

    In the faculty details page, the system messages tab shows messages that have been generated by OATS
  3. Status UC OATS Faculty Details page. Shows messages generated by the OATS system
    • Faculty Status
      • Not in goodstanding - This is an indicator that the faculty is not in good standing. This does not affect any business rules in UC OATS.
      • Leave to engage in outside activity - Faculty member is on leave to engage in outside activities. This does not affect any business rules in UC OATS.
      • Override earnings/time threshold - Faculty member's earnings/time threshold can be overridden and provided with a new threshold.
    • Faculty Status
      • Include in 240-246 report - Selecting this option will include the faculty member's record in the 240-246 annual report generated for the University of California, Office of the President (UCOP)
      • Separated - Faculty is no longer employed with the university
  4. Back to List - Sends you back to the list of faculty.

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:26.932577-07