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Forms in Process

This article demonstrates how to view prior approval forms in the 'Forms in Process' queue. The 'Forms in Process' queue is where you will find prior approval forms that are processing through the approval workflow. 

The Forms in Process section of the Auditor UC OATS workspace

To locate a form that is processing through the approval workflow:
  1. Confirm you are in the correct fiscal year. Faculty can submit prior approval forms for different fiscal years, so you may need to toggle between years to view all forms.
  2. Select the 'Forms in Process' tab to view all forms that are processing through the approval workflow. Use the filters to search the forms.
  3. The form will show the prior approval form status. Select the form to view the details. 
  4. Open/Close- Select the open button to view the faculty's reported effort/earnings.
    Activity Notes- Select the 'notes' button to add or review activity notes. 
  5. Select the 'Export current data' button to download the information into an Excel spreadsheet. 

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:31.197666-07