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Application Administration Workspace Overview

The Application Administrator manages the UC OATS application for your campus. This includes but is not limited to, managing faculty data, managing staff data, and managing email notifications, and reports. To access the Application Administrator workspace, you must be assigned the application administrator role by your campus. 

The Application Administrator workspace includes access to both the reviewer (Dashboard, Faculty, Forms, Activities, and Annual Cert.) and application administrator (App Admin) workspaces. This article will provide a high-level introduction to both workspaces.
application administrator workspace page

The following is an overview of the app. admin. homepage:

  1. Dashboard- The Dashboard is where you can find all forms and annual certifications that are waiting for review. Visit the reviewer Workspace Overview: Dashboard article to learn more.ap review page
  2. Faculty - this is where reviewers can view faculty details such as time threshold, activities, system emails, and manage faculty notifications. Reviewers can also view faculty details by clicking on the faculty member's name. To learn more, visit the reviewer's Workspace Overview- Faculty article.
    e.g. Faculty sectionall faculty tab
  3. Forms - This is where reviewers can find forms that need to be reviewed, forms in process, and approved forms. Visit the reviewer Reviewer Workspace: Forms Button article to learn more.
    ap review page
  4. Activities - this section is where reviewers will find the 'All Activities', 'Deleted Activities' reports, and 'Stock Valuation' (if assigned the Stock Valuation role).fiscal reivew page
  5. Annual Cert. - This is where the annual certification queue is located, along with three annual certification reports.app admin page
  6. App Admin - This is your app. admin. workspace. This is where you will manage department data, faculty and staff data, user accounts and roles, system email, reports, etc. 
    app admin page
    • Departments - this is where you will manage department details, faculty and staff accounts, etc. To learn more, review the Departments Tab Overview article.
    • People - this is where you can search for faculty and staff accounts. To learn more, review the Departments Tab Overview article.
    • Reports - this is where you can locate UC OATS reports. To learn more, review the Reports Tab Overview article.
    • Notifications/Email - This is where you manage system emails and view email logs. To learn more, visit the Notifications/Email Tab Overview article.
    • Data Import - this is where you will import faculty data. To learn more, visit the Data Import Tab Overview article.

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:10.794159-07