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Reports Overview

This article provides an overview of the reports available in UC OATS, including those exclusive to App Admins and those accessible to staff with the Analytics role. It offers a brief outline of each report category and its location.

App Admin Reports

There are three reports available in the App Admin console:

  • Report 240-246: This report details the reported activity and effort for Deans (APM-240) and Faculty Administrators at 100% Time (APM-246). It is submitted annually by the campus App Admin to UCOP.
  • Report Became User: This report tracks who utilized the Become feature in UC OATS.
  • 240/246 Inclusion Report: This report allows you to manage which 240/246 faculty members are included in the annual 240-246 report submitted to UCOP. 

To access these reports:

  1. Select the App Admin tab.reports tab page
  2. Confirm you are in the correct fiscal year. Use the arrows to navigate between fiscal years.
  3. Select the Reports button. There are three reports available: 240/246 Inclusion ReportReport 240-246Report Became User

Analytics User Reports

There are three reports available to staff members, including App Admins with the Analytics User role. Those with the role will have an additional Analytics tab.

  • Unit Processing Time: This report will show how long each unit on your campus takes to process each type of prior approval form and annual certification.
  • Acknowledged/Approved Report: This report will show you how many Approvers in UC OATS are using the Approved and Acknowledged actions at each level.
  • Cat 1 Prior Approval Non-Compliance: The Cat I Prior Approval Non-Compliance Report analyzes faculty and staff members' answers to the, "Have you engaged in the activity before receiving permission?" question. 

To access these reports click on the Analytics tab.reports tab page

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:16.359347-07