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Back Entering Activities for Faculty

This article provides an overview of the historical data manager role. The historical data manager role enables reviewers to back-enter approved activities and prior approval forms into a faculty member's workspace. This function is typically used when a campus is transitioning from its old conflict of commitment system or paperwork to UC OATS. Forms that have been approved in the old system will be back-entered into UC OATS by reviewers with the historical data manager role. Documentation showing prior approval will also be uploaded and the reviewer will have the ability to approve the form based on the approval from the old system.

  • Only reviewers with the 'Historical Data Manager' role can back-enter activities.

To back-enter activities and approved forms into UC OATS:

  1. Make sure you are in the correct fiscal year. You can move forward and back through fiscal years by clicking the arrows.faculty tab page
  2. Click on the "Faculty" button to view the list of faculty. 
  3. Click on the "All Faculty" tab and deselect the "Faculty with Outside Activities" filter to view all faculty.
  4. Locate and click on the faculty member's name. You will be taken to the "Faculty Details" page.
  5. Click on the "Enter an Activity" button. enter an activity button in faculty details page
  6. Complete the "Enter an Activity" form. To learn more about filling out the form, visit the Entering a New Activity article.enter an activity form
  7. Click "Enter" to submit the form. UC OATS will automatically determine the category type and prior approval requirements of the activity. If prior approval is required, UC OATS will automatically generate the form(s) for you to complete.
  8. If the activity is a category one, complete the category one form. To learn more about completing a category one form visit the Category I Form article. notes tab when entering a form
  9. Click on the "Notes" tab at the top of the page and upload the original category one approval form or proof of approval and any documentation submitted by the faculty member regarding that activity. Return to "Form Details".
  10. At the bottom of the form under the "Actions" section, enter the "Approved up to" date based on the original approval from the old conflict of commitment system or paperwork.actions section and request approval button when entering a form
  11. Click the "Request Approval" button to submit the form.
  12. The status of the form will show approved.status of forms for the faculty member
  13. Click on the "Back to faculty list" button to return to the faculty list.

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:18.086644-07