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Enter Summer Salary Information

This article provides instructions on how to report the days you will be receiving additional University summer compensation.

According to UC policy, academic-year faculty are allowed 8 hours (1 day) of professional activity for each 1 week that they receive additional University summer compensation. The policy allows for a maximum of 57 compensated days during the summer. If your summer salary is paid from an external funding agency, please check with that agency regarding their policy in conflict of commitment.

  • All academic year faculty who are required to report under UC APM-025 are required to indicate if they plan on receiving summer salary. Completing the summer salary information is required before you can complete your Annual Certification. 

To enter your summer information:

  1. Click on the "Enter My Summer Info" button.
  2. Read the "Summer Salary" disclaimer and answer the question, "Do you or will you engage in Category I or II activities during the summer?"
    • If no:
      • You are not required to report additional University summer compensation information. However, in the event that you do or will engage in a Category I or II activity you can revisit this form, update your summer salary information, and report effort. To save changes select "Update Summer Info".
    • If yes:
      • Answer the next question.
  3. Answer the question, "Did you or will you receive additional University summer compensation while engaging in Category I or II activities?" 
    • If no:
      • You are not required to report additional university summer compensation information. However, in the event that you do receive additional University summer compensation while engaging in a Category I or II activity, you can revisit this form, update your summer salary information, and report effort. To save changes select the "Update Summer Info" button.
    • If yes:
      • Enter the number of days each month over the summer term that you will receive additional University summer compensation. The information reported will determine the allowable hours of outside professional activities within your campus summer periods for the reporting period. 
  4. Click the "Update Summer Info" button.
  5. Review the summary salary disclaimer then click "Close."
  6. Summer threshold bars will appear for each summer month. The threshold bars will show the total number of hours available each month to engage in outside professional activities (OPA). As you engage in OPA during the summer months, the threshold bar will automatically adjust. To edit summer information, click the edit icon.
  7. If the summer is split between two fiscal years, you will see an "Update" button next to the summer month. Click the "Update" button and fill out the summer salary information for that specific summer month.

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:28.977431-07