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Copy Activity

This article provides instructions on how to copy a category 2 and 3 activity into a new fiscal year.

  • You can only copy an activity into a particular fiscal year. The activity can only be copied into the selected fiscal year once.
  • The copy activity function is not available for Category 1 activities.

To copy an activity to a new fiscal year:

  1. Go to the fiscal year you want to copy the activity to. 
  2. Click the "Copy Activity" button.
  3. Locate the activity you would like to copy by clicking the forward / back fiscal year buttons.
  4. Once you locate the activity, click "Copy" button.
  5. The activity is copied to the new fiscal year. Click the "Close" button to return to the activity list.

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:08.329326-07