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Faculty Details Page

This article provides an overview of the Faculty Details page. The Faculty Details page gives approvers read-only access to the faculty's workspace. On the Faculty Details page, approvers can see the faculty:

  • Time threshold
  • Reported outside activities
  • Reported effort
  • System emails
  • System messages
  • PDF of the approved annual certification report
  • Faculty members email preferences

To view the Faculty Details page:

  1. Confirm you are in the correct fiscal year.
  2. Select the 'Forms & Activities' button.UC OATS Faculty Details page.
  3. Locate the faculty member you would like to review. Each tab shows activities at different processing stages.
    • Forms Approval Pending - shows a list of activities that need your approval/acceptance
    • Forms Approved - shows all forms that have been approved/accepted.
    • All Activities - shows all activities regardless of the status. Selecting the 'All Activities' tab will show a list of activities.
  4. Click on the faculty member's name (link to the faculty details page).
  5. You are now on that faculty member's 'Faculty Details' page.UC OATS Faculty Details page.
  6. Select the 'Back to faculty list' button to return to your Approver workspace.
The following is a brief overview of the 'Faculty Details' page:
  1. Time Threshold - The time threshold bar displays the number of hours the faculty has reported engaging in outside activities and their time threshold.
    • Green Bar (first bar) - The green bar indicates the total number of hours reported within their threshold.
    • Gold Bar (second bar) - The gold bar indicates the total number of hours reported that exceeds their threshold.
  2. Activity List - The activity list shows all reported activities, reported effort, and prior approval forms.
  3. Manage Notification - This option gives you the ability to manage the faculty member's email notifications on their behalf. Faculty do not have an option to manage their own email notifications.
  4. Annual Certification Details and PDF - Click the Annual Certification button to view the annual certification details and a PDF of the accepted Annual Certification.UC OATS Email Notifications page. Shows list of emails faculty are subscribed to
  5. Emails /  System Messages -
    • Emails tab - Displays all automated system emails that have been sent to the faculty member.UC OATS Emails tab showing automated system emails that have been sent to the faculty member.
    • System Messages - Displays changes that have been made to a faculty's account, such as changing a faculty member's time threshold.UC OATS Message tab showing automated system messages for changes made to the faculty's account.
  6. Faculty Status / Fiscal Status - Only reviewers with the "Faculty Status Change" role may make changes in this area. Each of these options must be manually selected.
    • Leave to engage in outside activity - This indicator may be selected when a faculty member is on leave to engage in an outside activity. Selecting this indicator does not change system functionality. It is simply an FYI for reviewers.
    • Override time threshold - This option will override the faculty's current threshold.
    • Include in 240-246 report - This option will include the faculty member in the annual 240-246 report sent to UCOP. 
    • Separated - This option will show if a faculty member has been separated from the university.

Last Modified: 2021-08-30 15:15:14.180608-07