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Annual Certification Reports

This article shows you how to view annual certification reports. Faculty members are required to file certification of adherence to the APM 025 policy each fiscal year; even if they did not engage in any outside professional activities during the year. There are four Annual Certification reports available to you in OATS; 'AC Not Submitted', 'AC in Process', 'AC Accepted', and 'AC All'.

UC OATS Reviewer workspace.

To access the annual certification reports:

  1. Go to the 'Fiscal Year' indicator and click the back arrow to go to the previous fiscal year. 
  2. Click on the 'Annual Cert.' button.
  3. There are four reports available: AC Not Submitted, AC In Process, AC Accepted, and All.
  4. Click the 'Export Current Data' button to export the report into a spreadsheet.

AC Not Submitted

This report displays a list of faculty members who have not submitted their annual certification reports and reports that have been returned to faculty members.

Forms not submitted reports

AC In Process

This report displays a list of annual certification reports that have been submitted and are processing through the approval workflow.

Forms in process report

AC Accepted

This report displays annual certification reports that have received final acceptance. To view or download a PDF version of the annual certification report:

  1. Select the faculty member's name to view the faculty details page.Forms accepted report
  2. Select the annual certification button.Annual certification button
  3. Select the 'Signed Version' tab to view and download the signed annual certification form. annual certification signed version of download PDF

AC All

This report will show the full list of faculty within your unit. You can see who has submitted their annual certification forms and who has not yet submitted (NA status).

All report


Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:33.152542-07