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Email Notifications & Disclaimers

This article shows you how to manage your email notifications. It will also demonstrate what happens when a form you select from the email has already been approved/acknowledged.

Please note: 
  • Annual certification reports that have been in the approver's queue for more than 12 months will be omitted from the daily/weekly email.

Managing Email Notifications

You have the option of receiving daily or weekly email notifications when there are new prior approval forms in your queue awaiting your approval/acknowledgment. 

To confirm/adjust email notifications:

  1. Select the "Notifications" button.dashboard page showing notification button
  2. Manage your email notifications.list of options for managing notifications
  3. Click "Save" to complete the changes.

Notification Name Description

Email sent out when a faculty request an update in the Activity Type/Role of an activity.

You may disregard this option. No longer applicable

Stock Valuation Entered

Approvers may disregard this option. This option is applicable to APM 671 reviewers.

Summary of all the approval requests submitted in the day (Cat 1, Exceed TH, Student Involvement and Retain Earnings)

This option will send you a daily email notification of all new forms that were submitted the previous day. You will receive this notification first thing in the morning.

Weekly summary of the approval requests that have been submitted (Cat 1, Exceed TH, Student Involvement and Retain Earnings)

This option will send you weekly email notifications of all new forms that were submitted the previous week. You will receive this email notification Monday morning.

Email Notification & Disclaimers

The following is an example of the email notification you will receive when you are signed up for daily and/or weekly email notifications regarding prior approval forms in your queue. The email contains links to all prior approval forms in your queue. When you select the link, the prior approval form will open.

example email notification

If the form has already been reviewed, the following pop-up will appear.

notification when form has already been reviewed


Last Modified: 2021-07-15 09:19:23.771114-07