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Form Routing Labels / Approvals

This article provides an overview of how form routing labels and approval workflows are set up. The initial setup of your campus UC OATS interface requires you to fill out the Form Routing Labels and Approvals Template. The information provided for form routing, labels, and approvals will drive the following system functionality: 1) Standard form routing, 2) Exceptions to the standard form routing, and 3) Labels displayed to end users indicating where in the approval process their form is located. This data set is not expected to be updated via file upload. Form routing, labels, and approval data elements will be updated by the UC OATS technical partner if changes are required. 

Data Preparation

To prepare for the set up of your campus routing labels and approval workflows,

  1. Download the Form Routing Labels and Approvals Template.
    • Please note: Form routing is always sequential by level and skipping levels is not currently supported. A form may start routing at a higher level, but cannot skip a level mid-route. For example, 
      • Routing that is supported: Level 3 > Level 4 > Parent Unit 
      • Routing that is not supported: Level 3 > Parent Unit
    • All forms will begin at the lowest level at which a faculty member is assigned in the level hierarchy. For example,
      • If a faculty is assigned to a division, their forms will start at Level 1
      • If a faculty is assigned to a school that does not have departments, their forms will start at Level 3
  2. Review the form and label data element descriptions below and complete the Form Routing Labels and Approvals Template.

Form Labels and Routing Descriptions:

Data Element Name Description Accepted format Example Note

Parent Unit

The terminal state requiring the highest level of review on any form. 


Unit Name: Chancellor’s Office 
Approver: Chancellor 
Reviewer: Chancellor Office’s Reviewer 


Level 1

The unit before the final level of review and approval. 


Unit Name: Academic Affairs Office 
Approver: Vice Provost 
Reviewer: APO Reviewer 

Text; spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes accepted

Level 2

An earlier level of review. 


Unit Name: Dean’s Office 
Approver: Dean 
Reviewer: Dean’s Office Reviewer 


Level 3

An earlier level of review. 


Unit Name: Department 
Approver: Department Chair 
Reviewer: Department Reviewer 


Level 4

The lowest level of routing supported. Only a reviewer is supported on this level. 


Unit Name: Division 
Reviewer: Division Reviewer 

This may also be referred to as a departmental sub unit 

Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:15.261559-07