Home > Training > Health Science Reviewer (APM 671) > Reviewing Student Involvement Forms
This article describes how to locate and review student involvement forms in UC OATS. As a reviewer, you will review the prior approval form and confirm there is enough information available for the approver (department chair, dean, etc) to make a decision. If there is not enough information you may reach out to the faculty member to request additional details or return the form to the faculty member. Once a form has been marked as 'Reviewed' it will move on to the approver and continue through the approval workflow until it reaches the terminal approver.
To review a Student Involvement form:
Additional Options:
Health Science Reviewer (APM 671)
Category I Forms
Category I Watchlist
Category I In-Kind Contribution
Student Involvement Forms
Overtime / Earnings Th. Forms
Adding an Alternate Approver
Adding Notes and Attachments
Exporting Data into a Report
Outside Activity Category Types
Activity Type Descriptions
Prior Approval Workflow
Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:10.669424-07