Home > Training > General Campus Faculty (APM 025) > Duplicate Activity Found Pop-up
When using UC OATS to enter a new activity, you might encounter a "Duplicate Activity Found" pop-up. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of this pop-up, its purpose, and the steps you can take to address it effectively.
When you enter a new activity into UC OATS, the system will check to see if you are entering a duplicate activity. There are three criteria that are checked:
If these three are an exact match for another activity, you will receive a pop-up. You can continue to create the activity or you can cancel and report effort under the applicable activity.
When you enter an activity into UC OATS, the system will check to see if you have already entered a similar activity.
General Campus Faculty (APM 025)
Enter a new activity
Outside activity category types
Prior approval form workflow
Duplicate activity found pop-up
Report Cat 3 activities [Deans/Fac. Admins]
Last Modified: 2022-06-30 14:36:21.125006-07