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Changing the Activity Type

To change the activity type in UC OATS, you will need to delete the activity from your workspace, then re-enter it with the correct activity type(s) selected. This article will walk you through the process of deleting an activity and will provide resources on how to re-submit an activity.

Activity with No Reported Effort / Earnings

To delete an activity,

  1. Locate the activity in your workspace and click the activity "Delete" button.

  2. Click the "Enter an Activity" button to re-enter the activity into your workspace. To learn more about entering an activity, visit the APM 025 or APM 671 instructions.


Activity with Reported Effort / Earnings

The activity "Delete" button will be missing from activities that have reported effort/earnings. To delete the activity, you must first delete all effort/earnings from the activity.

To delete an activity,

  1. Locate the activity in your workspace. Click the activity "Open/Close" button to view the reported effort/earnings.

  2. Click the "Delete" button for each line of effort/earnings for the activity. Once all effort/earnings has been removed, the activity "Delete" button will appear.
  3. Click the activity "Delete" button to remove the activity from your workspace.

  4. Click the "Enter an Activity" button to re-enter the activity into your workspace. To learn more about entering an activity, visit the APM 025 or APM 671 instructions.


Last Modified: 2020-10-14 10:44:00.813172-07