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Annual Certification Reports

This article shows you how to view annual certification reports. There are three Annual Certification reports available to you in OATS; "AC Not Submitted", "AC In Process", and "AC Accepted". 

AC Not Submitted

This report displays a list of faculty members who have not submitted their annual certification reports and reports that have been returned to faculty members.

AC Not Submitted tab that lists of faculty members who have not submitted their annual certification reports and reports that have been returned to faculty members

AC In Process

This report displays a list of annual certification reports that have been submitted and are processing through the approval workflow.

AC In Process tab that list of annual certification reports that have been submitted and are processing through the approval workflow

AC Accepted

This report displays annual certification reports that have received final acceptance.

AC Accepted tab that shows annual certification reports that have received final acceptance

AC All

This report displays all annual certification reports regardless of the status.

AC Accepted tab that shows annual certification reports that have received final acceptance


Last Modified: 2020-08-27 10:01:16.633928-07