Home > Training > Health Science Approver (APM 671) > Approver Role Overview
This article provides an overview of the approver role. The approver role is typically assigned to people who have the authority to review activities and recommend approval (Division Chair, Department Chair, Dean, etc). If there is not enough information available on the form(s) to make the final decision, the approver will return the prior approval form to a reviewer or the faculty to request additional details.
As an approver, you will receive daily and/or weekly emails with a list of prior approval forms that are waiting for your acknowledgment or approval. You can change the frequency of your email notifications if needed. The daily/weekly email notifications will contain direct links to the forms.
The terminal approver (Provost, Vice Provost, Chancellor, etc.) is the final approver in the prior approval workflow. The terminal approver decides if a prior approval form is approved and for how long. All other approvers in the approval workflow have the option to acknowledge/approve a form. The terminal approver will have additional options:
Health Science Approver (APM 671)
Logging into UC OATS
Approver Role Overview
Alternate Approver Role Overview
Workspace- Dashboard
Workspace - Forms & Activities
Workspace - Annual Certification
Switch to Faculty Workspace
Outside Activity Category Types
Activity Type Descriptions
Prior Approval Workflow
Email Notifications & Disclaimers
Last Modified: 2021-08-30 10:03:34.052141-07