Task | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
The deprecated procedure exists_and_not_null has been refactored from dependent packages. |
N/A |
N/A |
Feature | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
A new feature has been added for faculty to receive a receipt via email that their Annual Certification form was submitted. |
Faculty |
All |
Approvers now have the option to add a comment when acknowledging a form, as part of the form's historical actions. |
Approver |
All |
The student listing's column headers within the student involvement form have been abbreviated. |
Reviewer, Approver |
All |
Bug | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
Typos within the Category I send back automated message attached to the Annual Certification form have been corrected. Also, the author of the automated message is "UC OATS", instead of the person that sent back the Category I form. |
Faculty, Reviewer, Approver |
All |
The form status label "Pending" has been changed to "Not Submitted" in the legend popup. |
Faculty |
All |
UC OATS now prevents faculty from submitting Annual Certification forms if there are income records with stock shares that have not been valued. |
Faculty, Reviewer, Approver |
All |