Task | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
Code has been refactored to follow standards when categorizing messages that go into the system server logs. |
N/A |
N/A |
Load times have been improved in the Approver UI when displaying Category 1 request forms. |
Approver |
N/A |
The system batch log entries for the staff ingest process now contains the campus information in the message. |
N/A |
N/A |
The "student details" field in the student involvement form has been increased to support 2,500 characters. |
Faculty |
All |
Feature | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
New filters based on Faculty APM policies have been added to the "App Admin" faculty tab. [Feature UCOATS 05.043] |
Reviewer, Approver, App Admin |
All |
The student involvement form popup under the Approver and Reviewers view now shows all question responses related to each student. Also, there are additional convenience action buttons to hide and show all student details. [Feature UCOATS 07.014] |
Faculty, Reviewer, Approver |
All |
A "Days In Queue" column has been added to various Approvers and Reviewers tabs to show the number of days the approval request form has been in a unit's work queue. [Feature UCOATS 06.015] |
Reviewer, Approver |
All |
Bug | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
The file name coding issue that prevented downloading certain files from activity notes has been fixed. |
All |
All |
Comma values in the "Estimated number of hours during each annual reporting period" field under the Category 1 form no longer throw an error. |
Faculty |
All |
Error handling has been added to account for user double clicks on the "Add Note" button in the "New Activity Note" popup. |
Faculty, Reviewer, Approver |
All |
The earnings column is now included when displaying effort/income records for faculty with APM-240.025 and APM-246.025 policies. |
All |
APM-240, APM-246 |