Release 4.56.0 April 20, 2021

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Features Affected Roles Affected Policies

Instructional dialog has been added to help reviewers and approvers to find forms that are no longer in their work queue. This pop-up window appears when staff clicks on a link in the daily and weekly email notifications and the form has already been reviewed/approved by someone else.

Reviewers, Approvers


Updated the state machine export and import functionality to include transition tags as part of the data structure.



The data read APIs EXP.10, EXP.40, and EXP.50 have been updated as follows: the "status" field name for form status has been changed to "formStatus," with the range of values being "Not Submitted", "In Process", and "Approved" for consistency. The field "queueLabel" is used for work queue data.

Campus Developers


The Annual Certification Form and 240/246 report with APM 240-246 policy have been updated as follows for Category 3 activites:

  1. For APM 240-246 with 025 component:
    1. Compensated Cat 3 hours count against hours TH;
    2. Compensated Cat 3 hours are included the AC form and 240/246 report.
  2. For APM 240-246 with 671 component:
    1. Compensated Cat 3 hours count against hours TH;
    2. Compensated Cat 3 income does NOT count against income TH;
    3. Compensated Cat 3 hours and income are reported on AC form and 240/246 report.

APM 240, APM 246

For Application Admiinistrators, an option has been added to the unit threshold interface that allows them to apply the custom threshold for either the current fiscal year only, or for the current fiscal year and all future  fiscal years.

App Admin


Category 1 activities that are denied, with no effort/income reported, and did not start before requesting approval now no longer appear in the Annual Certification report.



The Annual Certification button label (the yellow badge within the Purple button) on the faculty's main page now displays the entire Fiscal Year (yyyy-yyyy) for added clarity.



Bug Fixes Affected Roles Affected Policies

A routing edge case where the secondary unit was removed, therefore leaving associated forms in limbo, has been fixed.



Superficial curly braces {} have been removed from the warning label on the Faculty Annual Certification validation page.



The Faculty and Staff import function no longer ignores individuals with the last name 'Null' for required fields.