Features | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
Activity button relabelled 'Enter' | Faculty | All |
Added Summer Hours progress bar and features in Faculty side | Faculty |
025 |
Annual certification filter label changed to Approved | Reviewer, Approver |
N/A |
Activity state transition from Approver to Reviewer | Reviewer, Approver |
N/A |
Email filters | Reviewer, Approver |
N/A |
Legend updated without extra buttons | Faculty |
All |
Stock Valuation form dependency removed | Faculty |
671 |
Stock Valuation all children expanded by default, label changed, $ per share added, filter added | Faculty |
671 |
Tooltip for student and threshold form sync | Faculty |
671 |
Added time threshold by policy | Faculty |
025, 671 |
Replaced system terms with department terms | Faculty |
025, 671 |
Reverted and refactored App Admin department information top navigation | App Admin |
N/A |
Adding policy time threshold and default value to avoid any division by 0 for the summary information | Faculty |
025, 671 |
Bug Fixes | Affected Roles | Affected Policies |
Email log filters added | Reviewer, Approver |
N/A |
Approaching Threshold warning - wording changed | Faculty |
All |
Activity state transition from Approver to Reviewer added | Reviewer, Approver |
N/A |
Tooltip for student and threshold form sync added | Faculty | 671 |
Effort reporting enhanced to support summer hours | Faculty | 025 |
Legend updated without extra buttons | Faculty |
All |
APM 671 Report Effort and Earnings repaired | Faculty | 671 |
CAT 1 approval form fixed | Faculty |
All |
Activity button relabelled 'Enter' | Faculty |
All |
Comma error fixed | Faculty |
All |
The Time Threshold changed from 348 to 384 | Faculty |
All |
Added punctuation to separate Activities in export | Reviewer | N/A |
Department fiscal year navigation error message added | Faculty |
N/A |
Stock Valuation all entries expanded by default, label changed, $ per share added, filter added | Reviewer |
N/A |
Faculty stock reporting message added | Faculty | 671 |
Annual certification filter label changed to 'Approved' | Reviewer, Approver |
N/A |
Report Earnings comma error repaired | Faculty |
N/A |