openapi: 3.0.0 info: description: UCOATS Data specs version: 1.0.0 title: UCOATS servers: - url: '' description: UCOATS Site tags: - name: Faculty description: Endpoints to get the data of Faculty paths: '/app/faculty/AnnualCertification/statusList/{uid}': get: tags: - Faculty summary: Get the Annual Certification Data of a Faculty by UID description: Get the Annual Certification Data of a Faculty by UID parameters: - name: uid in: path description: UID of the faculty required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FacultyAnnualCertificationData' components: schemas: FacultyAnnualCertificationData: type: object required: - response_code - response_message - response_body properties: response_code: type: string example: Ok response_message: type: string example: "ws annual certification list run successfully" response_body: required: - annualCertificationData properties: annualCertificationData: type: object required: - facultyInfo - annualCertificationList properties: facultyInfo: type: object properties: UID: type: string example: "123456789" firstName: type: string example: "Johny" lastName: type: string example: "Test" annualCertificationList: type: array items: type: object properties: unitCode: type: string example: "D1234" unitTitle: type: string example: "Test Unit" policyName: type: string example: "025" fiscalYear: type: string example: "2019-2020" status: type: string example: "In Review Process" statusDetail: type: string example: "APO Reviewer" dueDate: type: string example: "10/31/2020"